
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Halloween Craft- Messy Pumpkin Tutorial

I will be posting lots of tutorials in the upcoming months and today's tutorial is a little inspiration for decorating fall pumpkins! This is a great projects for kids and adults!

Start with a pumpkin or gourd and cover the surface with paint.
Blend paint on the surface of the pumpkin.

Begin to add layers of MESSY swipes of color- letting each layer dry before adding the next layer.

Add layers of drips, splatter, marks and text.
Use stencils, stamps, even collage on the surface- use your pumpkin like you would a mixed media surface.
Try painting on different sizes- challenge yourself to fill the entires surface of the pumkin!


How great all of your comments were!!! I really loved reading about all of your inspiring symbols- very interesting how we all seem to have simple things that represent meaning! Ok so these names were drawn at random through Random Generator!
KathrynAntyr, artgirly, Jessica Turner you are the winners! Email me at to coordinate!

If you did not win, no worries I will be having a giveaway EACH WEEK so please check back for more fun stuff that I will be giving away- next week- SKULLS!!


  1. So sad I didn't win. Love the pumpkins done alisa burke style!

  2. those pumpkins are AWESOME!

  3. Alisa your Pumpkins are friggin amazing!!!!! Totally gonna try this ;)

  4. fabulous pumpkins! i found you through carmen torbus. very fun blog ! :-)

  5. LoVe LoVe LoVe those PuMpKiNs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congrats to those lucky duck winners!!!!!
    :) - Kim xoxox

  6. Love the pumpkins! Especially the one with the houses.

  7. ALISA! Those pumpkins are awesome - I thought that they were made of cloth when I looked at the first picture. You are oozing with talent girl. :P

  8. What will you think of next? I LOVE these.

  9. I love how everything is a blank canvas to you!

  10. congratulations to the winners
    and your tutorial is gorgeous !! I love the result. The pumpinks are fabulous

  11. LOVE the pumpkins! You are so clever!

  12. This is Really Great!!! I am going to go buy pumpkins this weekend and have a "Pumpkin Art Fest" with my grandson. . . . Thank you sooo much. I am smiling big.

    Hugs EE

  13. I love the messy pumpkins...we do something similar to this every year at our school (the kids love it). We decorate pumpkins into anything we want and then have a contest. It's so much fun!!!

  14. Ohhh, how adorable! My little one has fallen in love with your pumpkins and now we need to buy some to paint! Wonderful!

  15. I feel like one very lucky girl! Now those pumpkins are so fabulous. I will definitely try this out. Thanks for the inspiration. I will look forward to receiving that groovy crown! xoxo k

  16. totally awesome pumpkins!
