
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Updates from the Studio

I am happy to announce that the heat induced funk I have been in for a while seems to have lifted today.  While it is still hot here, I just got sick of hearing myself complain and lay around the hot house and FINALLY just made myself go about normal business regardless of the heat! So I spent all morning in the studio working on backgrounds for a new series of original artwork.  Since the last couple of years have been dedicated to painting fabric for purses, accessories and all kinds of creative objects I started to really miss painting pictures that hang on the wall- go figure!! So I will be dedicating some studio time each day to drawing and painting some ideas that I've had on my mind for a while.

I've also been working on some really fun tote bags- yes I will finally have some purses with handles in my etsy shop very soon.  And the best part if that I had a blast working on them today and can't wait to share when they are finished!

There will also be packages of my hand carved stamp added to my etsy shop very soon!

and lots more!!


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Love the tote bags. So cute!

    Hugs! Barbie

  2. Love it... Don't tell me you did all that yesterday. I laughed when I saw your totes I just happen to be making one to take to school. Great minds think alike.
    Gald your feeling better. :)

  3. Everything looks great!!! Love the stamps!!!

  4. All of your work is amazing! I love the tote bags.
    So glad things are cooling off a bit.

  5. Your stamps are awesome! And love your tote bags. When I finished your graffiti class back in May, I made a totebag from my canvases :) And I see Adventurous Art Teacher did too! All on the same wavelenth! LOL!
    Can't wait to see your new work. And I am glad to hear that you are getting yourself out of your slump. Art is always the best therapy :)

  6. love how you make sure everyone knows that the new purses are purses with handles. :)

  7. the stamps have lots of personality; my favorite is the flower with square petals
