
Monday, August 03, 2009


I've been pretty busy the last few days but here are some updates and goings-on!

1.  I have been busy getting ready to teach Larger Than Life and Trashy Clutch at ArtUnraveled next week and wouldn't you know we also have a HUGE family wedding this weekend- which means getting everything finished and packed by tomorrow- which means house guests- which means the house needs to be cleaned...sigh.

2.  We FINALLY got a new bed and it is GLORIOUS!!  It is a king and it is such a perfect combo between fluffy and firm.  I am hoping that it will help my back continue to feel better.

3.  It dawned on me today that I have not used deoterant in a week! Ugghhh...while I am loving this new life pursuing my passion, growing a creative business and working from home...I do miss the "forced schedule" that a "normal job" often provides.  I have been struggling to find my groove, a schedule that works with my creative vibe- I know that I have likely been working too much or not enough each day and as soon as I catch up a little and get through this month I will be trying to figure out what works best. 

4.  The August Graffiti Chic online class started today and if you are looking for some funky fun- sign up! You can register any time during the next 5 weeks and have 3 additional weeks to access everything.  

5.  In the next couple of days I will finally be getting around to updating my Etsy Shop with some new work- purses, pouches and cuffs!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alisa- I'm taking a class from Alyson Stanfield (author of: I'd Rather Be in the Studio - business end of an artist's life.) So many great tips, but she suggests setting regular studio hours and office hours for yourself, as much as possible so that you don't get that boundary blur between home and work life. She has a free newsletter with lots of really great tips and her marketing classes are really awesome.
