
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Excuse Me While I Rant

I typically don't get too personal or rant on my blog but a rude comment this morning that was left on my previous blog post has got me all riled up and quite frankly offended which means I feel the need to get a few things straight for those who follow me-

If you have an issue with me or anything that I post please send me a personal email instead of leaving an anonymous comment- while criticism is tough to hear I welcome the opportunity to personally address opinions through email.

If you have taken a class from me online and you are not satisfied please let me know so I can refund you money- All I want is to offer some reasonably priced online classes and to share my messy world with as many of you out there that are interested and for you to be happy with what you are learn.

I am running a creative business and my blog is the forum for me to make that happen- while there are many wonderful blogs out that are more personal and more of a journal- my blog serves as the way that I communicate and market my little business.  I am a VERY private person and try very hard to keep personal details about my life to a minimum and really just focus on my creative life and journey as an artist which is now my full time profession and is all about the process of making and selling my art. 

For those of you out there (SO MANY OF YOU!) who have supported and followed me through it all...thank you!!! I appreciate all of the amazing blog love that I receive everyday and I continue to find inspiration in all of you who on your own artistic journeys and are creating amazing work!!!

Now back to regular scheduled programming :)


  1. so sorry to hear this alisa!
    i am taking your recycled remix class and just LOVE it - even if i haven't had time to start playing :-(. you inspire me - thanks!

  2. Why is it that some folks just love to criticize others? I;m sorry you had to be another victim of such rudeness. I love your work and although I don't think I've ever left a comment, I pop in periodically to check out your new stuff. Keep on following your heart, take a deep breath and REMOVE the negative comments from your mind as well as your blog!

  3. I don't usually comment much on blogs...I took your Graffiti Chic class and loved it! I don't know why anyone would want to complain. You are so open with your techniques and very encouraging. Keep up the great work!

  4. let us all pause and glare menacingly at our computers for a we have poured bad vibes at whomever was so rude....may their enter key no longer function.

    we love you and support you....pooh on people with no manners.

  5. Who wouldn't love your class? It was so much fun :)
    Just keep doing what you're doing, and girlie, you do it good!
    BTW, thanks for putting my pictures up in your previous post. Now I gotta do the same ;)

  6. There is something very cowardly about someone who will leave their comments without their name. I am taking one of your classes and I find them awesome! I haven't had time in my life to really play like Marlis said, but I plan to. Please don't let some coward cause you to question what you do. I admire you for what you are doing and enjoy what you share!

  7. I just want to say that I took one of your online classes and loved it. If I had the chance to do it again, I would not change my mind. It was worth every penny! I want to take more classes when I can fit them into my schedule and life. I have also purchased art in person and through ebay and loved all that, too. I am sorry someone caused your grief. Look at all your fans and keep that at the forefront of your mind.

  8. As a teacher myself there is always one student that doesn't put forth the effort and then blames the teacher. It always hurts at first, then you get pissed and then you remember and focus on all the great students you have !!
    As I said yesterday, YOUR A WONDERFUL ARTIST & TEACHER!!!!!!!
    Keep doing what you LOVE and thanks for sharing with us. :)

  9. peggy5:58 AM

    Don't know what the comment was but glad you ranted, not fair of people to do that. I have taken two of your online classes and you are the best of the best. Those video's are outstanding and I learned so much and enjoyed it all in the process. Love you art, style, honesty and sweetness. Just ignore them, they are jealous. Love ya Peggy

  10. Glad you got that off your chest. Not much point is carrying it around.

    *I* for one loved your class and your teaching really helped me to open up to my own style and sense of artistic freedom.

    smooch, smooch, big hug

  11. I've just recently discovered your blog and I love your art and your style - so unique! It's really pathetic when you get one of those anonymous, almost always rude comments and you have to go into your rant mode. However, I loved your rant, no need to be excused for it and, perfectly said! Put that comment out of your mind (which I bet you have by now) and keep movin' forward. You do great stuff!!

  12. Hey Alisa, I follow your blog regularly although I don't comment much! I love your 'messiness' as you call it, and the unique 'you-ness' of your creativity. Particularly loved all the artwork in the post "excuse me while I rave" - it's awesome to see people's creativity unleashed - and you helped do that. Very inspiring (your teaching and the great art works produced).

  13. Danielle1:45 PM

    I took yur class and loved it.
    I didn,t end up postin anything as i was in awe of what others were doing as well as doing a bit of research on how to do anonline class myself. your class shows how it,s done. Give people inspiration,create a friendly community and let everyone share.
    Not to mention doing fantastic detailed how to videos,pics and written instructions. Your course has helped me free myself up and look at things from other angles.
    Don,t worry about this person,the obviously ave no imagination and ae cowardly.We here all love and support your work and think your da bomb! peace d.

  14. Hi Alisa, I have your book and totally love it. I have been painting on fabric for many many years and it is a great way to express yourself. I have been making my living in the arts since high school. I have run into all types of people. There will always be the rude and ungrateful ones. Part of being a artist , and I think the best part,is the need to share. We are brave people to put our selves out there and receive the good and bad. I have been hurt many times by people that are just plain rude. BUT on the other hand and the best part, I have received blessings, hugs, encouragement and joy from people I don't even know. I am always in awe of them for being so generous. These are the people I remember.
