
Monday, July 06, 2009

First Day on the Job

So I am finally back home from my long trip to Oregon and unfortunately the last few days of my trip I threw my back out (AGAIN!!) and since I have been back home in San Diego I have been nursing myself back to good health. I need to figure out how to better deal with my back problems but I am finally feeling better and today was the first day of my new job (working for myself).  

You will see below that instead of dressing nice, I am wearing my painting overalls, scarf on my head and NO MAKEUP- please note that for the first time in like 15 years my Monday morning did not involve putting makeup on! Instead of sitting in a cubicle I am sitting on the ground sorting through purses....

and in instead of sitting in an office with no windows I am now working on the computer in our patio garden....

and while I am SUPER stressed making purses and getting prepared for Renegade Craft Fair this weekend- I am thrilled with my first day of my new job :)  More to come tomorrow!


  1. stay off the floor till you have recuperated with that bad those purses

  2. Love the purses, and I agree with Lee - try to stay off the floor until you are healed. But...allow yourself to dance around the studio sans makeup & ENJOY!

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    congratulations on taking your leap of faith - i did the same thing 6 months ago and it has been exciting & totally terrifying at the same time.
    do i regret leaving behind the 6-figure income and a job i loathed to be an artist & photographer full time? no.
    my house is my studio, my uniform is often my pajamas.
    to me this is pure bliss.
    enjoy yours!

  4. My girls loved the clutches I bought them at Art Fiber Fest. Keep up the amazing work and have fun every day on the "new" job!

  5. Just to say I really enjoyed your video lesson which I just bought from Quilting Arts - I really enjoy using bits and pieces from around the house and charity shops. Your use of colours and layers is great.

  6. I so envy you (in a good way) and am sooo happy for you!! How fabulous to do what you love! AWESOME!!! your work attire and you are such a beautiful woman (w/ or w/out makeup!!)

  7. Congrats on your new job!!! I am so happy for you and I wish you ALL the best!

  8. dear Oregon girl, i wish you all the best in your new adventure - you are an inspiration to those of us longing to take that leap as well!
