
Monday, June 15, 2009

Big Change

Oh goodness I am exhausted...lots of work this weekend almost too much work.  I am preparing to move into the last 3 days of my job this week (Thursday is my last day) and presently I am just trying to keep it all together, keep my eyes looking forward, trying really hard not to get too hung up on this BIG change that will be happening in my life.  Last Friday my wonderful collegues at the University of San Diego threw me a party and WOW was I surprised and I actually went away feeling closure to the last 8 years of my "professional" life-something that I really needed. Now, as I head into the last few days of my job and then into the next chapter of my life, I know that I will be reflecting upon what comes next, there is so much going on in my head and as much as I try hard not to go there (only because it tends to freeze me in my tracks) I know that I will be doing soul searching, celebrating and seeking balance...sigh...bear with me.


  1. Congratulations! I feel certain you will never be sorry. I walked away from my career (for art) so I know how scary it is. Good luck, not that you'll need it. ;)

  2. Alisa: Congratulations on making the leap of faith. There's no way it'll be anything but successful - and I don't even know yet what you'll be doing! Just popped in but signed up for you class in July cuz it's so right up my alley! I upcycle found objects from the thrift store into new and useful treasure. I really want to add an "edge" to it though. Answer= Your Class! Yay. Can't wait to get started.

  3. Nothing like a woman in transition. Congrats and best wishes!!

  4. Congratulations on following your artistic path. Hope it's everything you imagined.
    Just saw your studio in "where women create". VERY COOL! I know you're gonna love spending more time there.

  5. Congratulations Alisa!
    If your website,classes and followers are any indication... Your diffently following the right path.
