
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Graffiti Chic Showcase

Time to showcase work from Graffiti Chic! It is really inspiring to see how each person has interpreted the techniques and really made them their own!  As we enter into week 5 of our class I will post be sharing more work.  


  1. I am really loving this class, Alisa!

    Usually, I'm one to like a technique, make a piece and move on, but with this, I keep going, and going, and going!

    Thanks so much!

  2. This class has been a lot of fun, and you have done a great job with the videos and the pdfs! I'm sorry it's coming to a close.

    Yesterday a uploaded some of my images, including the one you showed on this post, to Spoonflower and ordered fabric just to see how it will look.
    I don't even sew much - only sporadically and very little even then.

  3. Alisa, this has been such a great class, I love the format and being able to share with you and all the others!

    thank you thank you!

    I'm glad you're keeping it available for a bit since I want to catch up with everything I missed last week!

  4. I am intrigued by all of this energetic, colorful work! Maybe I can take your next class? Roxanne
