
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Creative Block = A GIVEAWAY!

Update: I am in the middle of trying to finish a project so I am extending the giveaway until Sunday morning- I will drawn name then- in meantime continue to leave your amazing comments...I am so inspired!
Argggghhh...I seem to have hit a creative block tonight and its bad timing because I have a deadline creeping up on me.  SO instead I am chillin' on the couch with my two handsome boys! I am hoping my inspiration will return this weekend (it kinda has to!). 

So instead of working I am going to offer a custom clutch giveaway- YIPEEEE.
Leave me a comment letting me know what inspires you by tomorrow evening- I will draw a name and the winner gets a custom clutch (colors, words and images are your choice!!!)


  1. Nature inspires me. We live in the mountains and everyday I get to wake up and see the mountains, the trees and a river across the road!

  2. I find this time of year very inspiring...the new year, the new start, a freshly turned page. I'm excited to see what is around the corner for me!

  3. I find it inspiring to clear out the studio and rearrange items. I am into my second week and it is looking and feeling very fresh. just what I need to get the creative juices flowing again. happy friday! (cute boys!) ciao!

  4. I am inspired by the Textures and colours of the landscape around me

  5. The people around me are my inspiration. The brightness in my daughter's eyes when she tells a story. The darkness in my friend's voice when she told me she had cancer. The warmth in the way my husband can let me know he loves me without actually saying so. The sharpness of my son's sarcastic wit.

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Going to the bookstore with a sketchbook and looking through magazines, you look through so many your mind kind of blurs but certain things stick out and that is what I start to sketch,until ideas form.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I am inspired by all the amazing artist I visit online, and the books I read. There's SO much amazing art on the internet, I could spend weeks online and still not see it all-I would so LOVE to win a custom clutch, they look wonderful:) I hope your creative block goes away soon!

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Oh, i am most inspired by music. I love hearing the lyrics and wonder how the artist thought of singing that. it never fails me. Angelica

  9. Cool purses! What inspires me is often something in nature. Often a color or shape. I find that I'm drawn to trees, leaves, and birds. Wonder what that says about me! LOL!

  10. Anonymous6:40 PM

    my daughter, nature, other artists' work, color, music, cleaning out my studio and discovering all those special bits i've squirreled away.

  11. Inspiration can be found in many places, but I particularly am inspired by nature - the light, the colors, textures, the sea and that salty crisp wind on the NW coast...

  12. I know I'm late in responding, but had to answer. I am deeply inspired by music. The kind of music that when I hear it, within minutes, I have to go make something. Also, when I take a break and put things away for a week or two and get my head cleared, I'm amazed at the ideas and thoughts God puts in my head!I really love those purses, too. Do you sell those anywhere??

  13. oops! I see them on your Etsy. Nice things. Nice blog. Stumbled across it. Keep up the good work!

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Hi, Alisa,
    Actually each entry resonated with
    me! There is no one thing or things
    just the amazing gift of being alive can overwhelm me...
    the clutches are gorgeous--shape,color.....
    missy from the bayou

  15. Several things inspire me: sorting through my "stuff" I may find something I was working on or an item I bought that says "use me"; perusing blogs of artists; looking through instructional art books; or visiting my artist friend for a "play date".


  16. Friends inspire me. Sitting at a coffee shop surrounded by artists and listening in on conversations reminds me of how wide and fascinating the world is. If I have time, travel and teaching also inspire me. I catch the energy of anyone who loves to make art and we rev each other up.

  17. Color, pattern, texture, light, words, music, and the sound of a baby's laughter all inspire me to create, to be alive!

  18. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Trees, leaves and mountains inspire me - here in New Zealand we have beautiful mountains and lovely foliage. Rebecca in New Zealand

  19. A lot of things inspired me every day. If I’m in the middle of a block I start to check my books and magazines around. Also the best way to keep myself inspired is just looking online to the wonderful art of other artists around the world.

  20. Words inspire me. Just the right phrase is unbeatable. That and some lovely colors.

    Oooh I love your clutches. Anything with words is awesome. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  21. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sorry to be boring but what is a Wii.. (you were given this as a present.) Is it something to do with boxing? I like your design
    work. It must be great having a studio to work in. Most of the artists I know are reduced to working in the kitchens of their
    bed sits. Nevertheless it's amazing what they produce under such adverse conditions. It's a great concept sharing your creativity with everyone on the planet. Well done!
