
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Counting my Blessings (in the airport)

I am sitting in the Portland airport with my hubby waiting for our flight back to San Diego....what a lovely trip home it has been. So many beautiful sites to see and times to share with family. I come back to my home on the Oregon coast A LOT - There is something about the rain, the green, the wild beaches and of course family- all have this strange pull for me that fulfills, refreshes and inspires me. Typically when I leave I cry A LOT, all the way to airport, at the airport and when I get home... but no tears today. For the first time in a very long time I am satisfied with the now, with what we have in front of us and I am so thankful for the ability to travel to the place that I love. We thought we would have been living in Oregon by now but fate has decided otherwise and our life it Southern California has surprisingly treated us well! I cannot help but be so grateful for the the many things we have. On the eve of a new year I am counting my blessings and getting excited for a fresh start for 2009! I am not one to make resolutions because I PLAN too much (like OCD too much) as it is but this year I have lots of little goals that I am excited to embrace....finally appreciating a marvelous/creative day job that I enjoy, painting collaboration with my husband, growing my purse business, pursuing illustration opportunities and lots more that I definitely will share when I am not in the airport and have more time.  In the meantime I hope everyone out there is having a safe and happy holiday!!!


  1. happy new year! may the new year bring you many wonderful adventures and opportunities. ciao!

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