
Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Good Week

So this week is proving to be a nice week- my cupcakes went over great, I have gotten lots of work done, managed to make it to the gym (to hopefully make up for all the cupcakes I ate!) and received these lovely earrings in the mail! I just opened a shop on Etsy and since I don't yet have time to get a variety of paintings up, I have put a variety of earrings up for sale and ended up trading a pair of mine for a pair of crocheted gold earrings from juanitatortilla who makes very beautiful and unique jewlery. So not only do I have a fancy pair of earrings but a new talented online friend who has written the kindest blog entry about our little trade! To top it off I stopped by the annual Alternative Gift Fair at USD and found this lovely purse handmade in Guatemala! The best part is that it even matches my new earrings! When I am not wearing professional attire (which usually means all black) I like to call my style bohemian chic with a (twist of punk) and these two accessories will be the perfect addition to wardrobe!

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