
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blog Love

As the days go by I am physically feeling better and better- such a sharp contrast from this time last week when I was laying on the couch watching HBO sniffling, and coughing my brains out!! Back to the day job means back to “workin’ for the man”- but it also means that I have time to daydream and make all sorts of creative plans in my head for when I get home in the afternoon and work on my art (my second job). It also means that I am in front of a computer all day and get to surf the internet somewhat guilt free and peruse my favorite blogs which I feel is almost becoming a problem for me- I am addicted to finding new and interesting blogs to read and it is quite distracting!! So....I thought I should show some blog love to all the lovely people who keep me inspired and entertained during the day while I pay my dues at the office!!

Journal Revolution:It wasn't until recently that I found J-Rev through the wonderful Tonia Davenport (whose blog I also love to read) and found it to be one of the most refreshing and authentic blogs I have come across. Linda Woods has this wonderful knack for wit and honesty that is inspiring to me! Since finding her blog I have stopped feeling guilty about the profanity that escapes from my mouth, consumed more doughnuts (guilt free) and found comfort knowing there are other women out there who love breaking the rules!!

Soule Mama:I do not have children but Amanda Soule's blog makes me want to have kids- her blog reminds me of my own childhood filled with no tv, exploration, crafts, creativity and a true appreciation for what it means to grow as a family.

Posie Gets Cozy:I think I am one of MANY who reads Alicia Paulson's blog everyday- not only is her blog visually beautiful but so sweet and endearing- not to mention she resides in my old stomping grounds of Pdx, OR and it makes me feel like I am a little closer to home!

Liquid Sky Arts:Another Oregonian but Kathleen Rossi-Howell resides in Astoria, OR just a few towns over from where I grew up (Seaside) and plan to live again someday. Reading the ventures of people who picked up their lives and moved to a small coastal town is so inspiring to me and her amazing photos make my heart ache for home.

Claudine Hellmuth:This time last year I was preparing to appear on Craft Lab and had no idea what I was getting into! A friend recommended that I check out the blog of Claudine because she had appeared on the show in past- long story short, I contacted Claudine for advice and got amazing tips and feedback and I have been a fan of her blog ever since! Claudine gives me hope that IT IS possible to eventually quit your day job and pursue creativity full time!!!!

Art Biz Blog: I wish this blog existed when I was getting ready to finish college (but there were no blogs back then) When you are a painting major and have paid thousands of dollars for your education finding your place in the job market is a scary thing! Alyson Stanfield offers all sorts of priceless advise on how to break into the art world and promote yourself as an artist.


  1. Thanks for all the links...these are some great blogs!

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Awe, thank you! I love your blog, too!
    But....what do I have a knack for?

  3. hey sweetie! thanks for the sweet words!
