
Thursday, November 06, 2014

updates from the studio

I have been crazy busy over here and while this time of year I am typically in the middle of an online class, this time around I decided to clear my schedule and spend more time creating some unique handmade goodies for the shop. While I love teaching, blogging and working on a variety of projects for other people, my #1 love is making things. In the coming weeks and months I will have all kinds of fun stuff hitting my shop and today I wanted to give you a little peak!

As you know I have been sharing posts about my pottery past and my potter parents but I have also been collaborating with my dad! I am super excited and grateful to have such a talented dad to help me out. He has been throwing pots for me- the first batch I requested a tall cup that could be used for drinking or decor or supplies or flowers. 

I have been glazing the cups with all kinds of pretty designs. The process is crazy time consuming because I am putting my heart and soul into each and every one. This batch is ready to be fired in the kiln then they will be hitting the shop and I will make an announcement very soon!

Andy and I have also been busy creating handmade art journals. I have SO MUCH paper from left over from projects and demos and I am always looking for ways to use that paper! Andy has been binding all my paper into some really cool one of a kind art journals and I can't wait to share the entire collection.

And of course I've got a big batch of my canvas pouches coming to the shop very soon!

I love turning my drawings into stamps and I have 5 new rubber stamp sets hitting the shop in the next couple of weeks. I always draw and design things that I would use in my mixed media projects and I am pretty sure all of you are going to like using them too!

As if all these handmade projects aren't enough...I am hard at work filming new online classes that I will announce in the coming weeks and months- I've got some fun stuff planned!

I can't wait to add all these new goodies to the shop- I will be rolling things out in the coming weeks all the way up to the holidays so stay tuned for shop update announcements!

If you are curious about what I am creating or to stay up to date on my projects you can always hop on over to Instagram HERE or sign up for my newsletter (just enter your email into the "subscribe" box in the top right hand column of my blog).


  1. too cute, you are so talented :)

  2. your art journals look great.

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Your creativity never fails to inspire me! Thank you!

  4. Can't wait for these items to show up in your shop!

  5. You continue to inspire!

  6. Can't wait to shop! Just when I thought I'd seen it all you bring a new party to my world. Fan for life.

  7. Is there a chance you`ll be shipping to europe ?

  8. Those look life amazing gifts and hopefully a couple for me too!

  9. Love all the new things, and all I can think is "I need to start saving up some monies".

  10. looking forward to seeing it all! and i think the journals look amazing!

  11. ...while I totally love hearing about what you've been creating, it always makes me a bit sad to know I can't yet shop at your online store and therefore pur-chase one of your delightful handmade goodies. And while I totally get your reasons (costs, mainly) the news I would *really* love to hear is that cross-border and international shipping is available to those outside of the continental US. Unless I missed the memo to the contrary - which is quite likely o_O

    Just a thought from a very loyal and long-time follower :)

    1. ps. I particularly like your canvas pouches and these new art journals :)

  12. whoohoooo! can't wait .. and especially for those yummy journals!! :D xoxo

  13. Let me tell doesn't get any less busy as time goes on....but you are a veritable dynamo.

  14. wow looking forward to new stuff and new classes yay love your classes chock full of info

  15. LOVE ALL OF THIS AND EXCITED FOR ALL OF IT!!! YAY! Thank you Alisa for inspiring us and sharing these with us.


  16. kini kami akan bahas tentang kesehatan dan kecantikan perawatan tubuh maupun pengobatan secara alami :

    Berikut : obat peninggi badan

    Berikut : obat pembesar payudara

    Berikut : cara merontokan bulu permanen

    Berikut : obat pelangsing badan

    Berikut : cara sehat alami

    Berikut : cara mempercantik wajah dan tubuh

    Berikut : obat penggemuk badan

    Berikut : cara mengobati ejakulasi dini

    Berikut : Obat penyubur seperma

    Berikut : penis bendera

    Berikut : Alat Pembesar Payudara

    Berikut : Obat kuat

    Berikut : perangsang wanita

    Berikut : alat bantu sex pria

    Berikut : alat bantu sex wanita

    Berikut : boneka full body

    Berikut : Cara memperbesar penis

    Berikut : minyak Oil pembesar penis

    Berikut : vimax original

    Berikut : ciri vimax asli


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