
Friday, June 13, 2014

fashion friday- lucy's style

As Lucy gets older she continues to express herself with her clothing choices. We continue to have fun encouraging her to find her voice and express herself in all kinds of ways! Letting her pick out her outfit each day (and sometimes twice a day when things get messy) has been a fun process for everyone. Once in a while I like to share her outfits!


  1. Cute little Lucy...looking forward to this age.... not long to go for us...

    Liebe Grüße

  2. She is so cute :) lovely pictures

  3. a GIRL'S got to have her BOOTS!

  4. she's fashionable little girl :)
    image with glasses and rubber boots the best :)

  5. livethegoldenrule3:10 AM

    What a little DOLL !!! She is making very good choices and being so young = Very impressive!! You go girl!!!

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Your girl is so cute! Great style! I love her yellow outfit and the red white striped look. What a young fashionista!

  7. I absolutely love the one with red&white stripes, brown boots and beanie!!! I would like this outfit for myself!:) She is gorgeous!

  8. great to encourage her that much - a happy girl in every aspect..

    the boots must be very comfy - can you reccomend them? where did you buy it?

  9. She is just darling!

    There is so much life in your life!

    Grace, love and peace to you all.

  10. My Sophia just turned 3 and like Lucy has her own fierce sense of style. No pink frou frou for her.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Lucy, you're my fashion icon. So far Forrest, 22-months, hasn't show and interest in picking out his clothes, but he doesn't have awesome floral leggings and tutus to choose from!

  12. Lucy is precious! Love her very individual style. I'm especially fond of the pic with her in the red/white striped shirt, black knit hat with pompom, and boots. What a fashionista! The demure look on her face is so cute!

  13. What a stylish little cutie Lucy is...just like mum.

  14. The girl is a real fashionista in the making! She has a great sense of style, it's very quirky cool :)

  15. That last picture where she's holding the stuffed animal is awesome! I love the expression on her face. :D

  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Such a beautiful little girl. Your best painting :)
    Love from Portugal!

  17. Teresa R4:31 PM

    Lucy is so adorable. I can see she loves bright colors. She has a good eye for style combinations. Thanks for allowing her to make those choices.

  18. she is one precious, stylish muff! and it's obvious she loves boots....she had me with the rubber rain boots!

  19. This is the cutest thing ever!

  20. This kid is more stylish than I am!
