
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

create daily online class giveaway!


I am busy over here putting the finishing touches on my latest online class Create Daily
and while it doesn't start until January 1st I am doing a giveaway this week!

I am giving away 10- yep 10 free spots in the class- tis the season!

To enter leave me a comment.
Tell me what you like to create most.
I'll randomly draw 10 names later this week and announce the winners!


  1. It's a hard call between jewelry, sewing, painting and crocheting! But my favorite is still mixed media on canvas. I loooove mixing together papers and fabrics to create something loud and colorful for the wall. Even better if it's for someone else.

  2. I love to create everything from sketches,knitting, sewing..paper folding... But I would LOVE to get some more inspiration!!

  3. Shelly8:08 AM

    Pick me, Pick me!!! I love to create anything homemade with my two hands, but especially heart mosaics with stones and driftwood I have collected from the beach (both here on the coast of Lake Michigan and along the Pacific coast). :) Happy Holidays!

    Shelly Reinhard
    Grand Rapids, MI

  4. Ohh, want, want, want! I'm dying to sign up for the Create Daily class. My favorite thing to create is anything for our house - especially my daughter and/or her room. I'm in love with hand embroidery and I am really getting into mixed media, too.

  5. I love creating gifts for people, usually involving photography or illustrations. Recipes booklets, wall prints, calendars. Love it all :-)

  6. drawing and painting, knitting and sewing. just a few of my favorite ways to create!

  7. Def mixed media canvas's. A little paint, a little paper, a little of this, a little of that. Although I'm having a great time making no-sew scarves for my friends for xmas right now.

  8. I love creating mixed media art journal pages most of all. I also love creating photographic images, but it's best when I get to incorporate those images into my pages.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Rinda (Maria O)

  9. I love to create so many things....doodling B&W, fusing glass, knitting, painting, mixed media, plus being an art teacher, I get to see my students create everyday. I would LOVE to win a seat in this class! I think it would help me in my teaching as well. Thanks for the chance!

  10. I love creating sentences. Putting words together, finding the perfect adjective for a description, creating sentence structures and waves and flow. Nothing is as satisfying as being able to put into words exactly how you feel.

  11. I used to have a BIG passion for painting... but it's kind of fizzled out a bit. It's still there though. I just need some inspiration and I think this class would do that for me. I love creating art though through my photography. I'd love to try this. Good luck to all the contestants!

  12. I love to create color. Happiness. Joy. Smiles!

  13. I love painting portraits, working in my art journal, and playing with my camera.

  14. Oh this looks super fun. I hope I win! My favorite thing to create are collages in my art journal.

  15. I most like creating paper collages, using vintage ephemera. I love going through old books, magazines, letters and photos until something strikes my fancy and sends me from looking to creating.


  16. I'd love to write, and shoot photo's, but lately I've becoming more and more fond at working with paint too!

  17. Hi, the question is what don't I create ?? I love all kinds of creating including cooking too mainly sweet stuff and you can use glitter in art and on cakes too ! (not the same one obviously :)

    Have a wonderful day
    Juliet x

  18. Oh my goodness- I need this class! My job this past year has thrown me such crazy hours that finding time to create would be such a stress reliever. I recently was able to open my creative outlet a bit by puffy painting cute designs on bibs for my newborn nephew, but I love making jewelry, doodling and ogling old book pages, trying to figure out how to craft with those, too!

  19. One of my goals for 2012 is to create a beautiful life for myself. I would so love the opportunity to win this class. Will be the jumpstart I need to get my creative on! Thanks for this! How generous of you!

  20. i like to create collages with a mix of random, found, and vintage papers.

  21. How exciting! I am a painter first and foremost, but an illustrator, building, sculptor, poet, and writer as well - I just love to create! After the year (or two) I have had, I am looking for something to nurture my creative spirit - so win or lose, this class looks perfect! You blog is such a constant source on inspiration that I can only imagine what your classes must be like!

    *fingers crossed!!!*

  22. Good morning, I must say I do a little of everything and I go through phases of what is my favorite. I love doing mixed media, as this incorporates a little of all my crafting. Would love to try one of your classes, and learn some of your tricks.

  23. Wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity. I love creating art quilts the most.

  24. Right now I love to make my own trim out of a combination of old silk scarves cut into strips and layering pieces of old trim, rick-rack, yarn and fabric.
    I start with old bias tape and just pick up any old piece that comes into my hand.
    So fun to see what the different combinations look like!

  25. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Drawing and watercolor are my favs!

  26. There is an aching need in me to create. Viewing and reading your blog stirs that creative desire within me. I love to use my hands and mind to create, be it sewing, jewelry making, or art. I would be thrilled to be tutored and taught by you.

  27. i am stuck in a knitting rut. this would be the perfect opportunity to get creative with all of the paints pens pencils i have.

  28. Art! Of any kind. Right now I am very into doodling. Anywhere and any time. It relaxes me :-)

  29. I like to create jewelry and would love to get back to doing watercolors!.

  30. I love to knit and sew, but lately I've been getting back into my first love - drawing and painting. This class would be a great kick start for me!

  31. This week I have been creating snowflakes cut from sheet music.

  32. This is a really tough question to answer since I, like so many, love to dabble in many different mediums. But if I try to zero in on what brings me the most inner peace & satisfaction, I'd have to say that I love cartooning and watercoloring the most! Art journaling is right up there too! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some inspiration!

  33. I love to create just about everything, but end up doing more reading/browsing about creative projects than now i'm really into art journaling :)

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
    <3 Mara

  34. I like to create acrylic paintings most with lots and lots of layers, and interference colors. :-)

  35. I love doodling, it relaxes me and I get my creativity fix, along with quilting, knitting and anything else I can get my hands on. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous classes!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  36. I like to dabble a little bit in everything. But right now I am a little bit obsessed with paper mache. You can make just about ANYTHING with paper mache. It's amazing stuff.

  37. I love to create anything, stitchery, fiber art, watercolor, general crafts. I have to be working on something all the time. I would LOVE to win a class from you, I love your style.

  38. I love to create memories. And then in turn, I love preserving those memories through photography and scrapbooking.

    Thanks for the opportunity, Alisa. I'm looking forward to your class!

  39. Oh creating is wonderful. This week I love creating slumped glass Christmas ornaments. I've been a busy bee working with the kiln.

  40. I love creating landscapes!

  41. I love to paint on fabrics. The bigger and bolder the better. Currently painting on a big perspex plate to create a wall hanging for my girls bedroom. Whatever is in my heart and head goes on canvas xxx

  42. My favorite thing to create? Memories. Sometimes I document them with fiber, paint, or paper, but the best part is making the memory.

  43. oh, how I would love to win a chance to learn more about creating ! what I love to create is anything with fabric and paper, from useful things to just beautiful things.

  44. Oh my, what a great giveaway!! I love everything related to paper - drawing, painting, scrapbooking...and the list goes on :-)!

  45. I love to create using recycled materials. you have been a huge inspiration to me! ciao!

  46. SaraswatiChD8:30 AM

    Oh, I most like to create small watercolor paintings and recently the opposite, a large modern quilt.


  47. I love creating with fabric.

  48. i love scrapbooking, sewing, and cooking... I find so little time to be creative. What a great giveaway! Mari

  49. I love to paint (oils and acrylic) and I have enjoyed every one of your classes. Would love to win this giveaway. Fingers crossed!

    Fort Worth, TX

  50. Ooh how lovely. What a wonderful thing to do.

    I like to create paintings the most. I love trying mixed media but to be honest, as long as I am doing something creative, I am one happy bunny xx

  51. Life would be pretty empty without thinking about creating!! Some days it is hard to decide what to do first. Cooking or baking in the kitchen was yesterday's project, but at different times I also love to paint, sew, quilt, sketch, make jewelry, paint clay, etc. This time of the year I can easily get into making creative gift wraps, tags, and cards. As a teacher, a lot of energy goes into what creative things can happen in the classroom, but right now I'm on vacation, so the sky's the limit!!! Happy Holidays to you.

  52. How fun! At the moment the thing I love creating most is clothing for my little girl - either by sewing or knitting. I also enjoy a little sketching time for myself too, but with three little ones making the time gets challenging.

  53. I would love a chance to win a spot in your class. I like to make watercolor paintings.

  54. I am just learning, and right now everything I do is a new experience. I've been experimenting with collage, making jewelry, I took Martha Lever's color drop class, and I tried Zentangle. It's all new to me (except sewing, which I learned when I was 12), and I enjoy every bit of it! Love your blog and your work!

  55. tough to choose what i love to create the most . . . i love to take a pencil and some color and just play, create and see what happens!!!

  56. LOVE your classes - have only taken one, but am tempted every time a new one is announced. Right now, I'm fond of my oil pastels - I like getting messy and rubbing everything together!

  57. I love to paint, sketch, make jewelry, and sew! I don't have a favorite, because for me it's more about being creative than the actual medium.

  58. What a wonderful giveaway. I'm a photographer but am trying hard to make time for painting, mixed media and drawing. I miss those mediums so much. Thank you!

  59. I've been creating since I was born but my favorite thing to create is CHAOS. Just a little bit, and just the good kind. You know, the kind that makes you think "why not" and gets you out of that safe little comfort zone. The kind that gets your hands dirty and warms your soul. The shake it up and see where it lands chaos. I'm currently make chaos with journals and books and would LOVE to win your generous give painty fingers are crossed. Thanks!

  60. I am loving painting fabrics and paper and sewing them into journals, wallets and whatever happens right now although i love foing other crafts too. I love your style Alisa and would love to win this would definitely be the way to start the New Year with a bang. Thanks for all you do.

  61. YAY!

    My most favorite thing to create right now is spreads in my art journal.


    I'm also totally digging all this homegoods sewing for Christmas, and drug out all my manipulated transparency stuff last week so stay tuned for some awesomeness :)

  62. ...drawing, watercolor, acrylic on canvas, collage, art journal--hand and machine stitching anything--what I like creating best is whatever I'm working on at the time plus whatever I'm dreaming up while my hands are busy! I love the smiles art and color entice! Would love to win a class with you-thanks for opportuity!

  63. Kathy H8:41 AM

    I love to create jewelry and I love to sew. I'm always looking for new sources of inspiration.

  64. Picking just one thing would be too difficult! I love to draw, paint, collage, carve stamps, doodle and do just about anything. Mixed media is probably my first love.

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your classes. I taken several with you and they're always fun and informative.

  65. I am torn in so many directions...from watercolor and acrylics to altered art. Then there is my love of stitching and creating with fabric. One thing I must say, I never get bored around here.
    Your class sounds wonderful!!

  66. ...for one who is always trying new forms of creativity, pinning down a favourite is tricky. The mediums I am most draw to however are fabric, paper, felt and paint. This year has been one of following my heart-muse and creating whatever I am feeling drawn to the most, exploring my path and creative journey over other, more mundane, incentives... Does that answer your question?

  67. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I think if I had a favorite, my apartment would be a lot more orderly. As it is I've got a canvas set up on the kitchen table, my sewing table crammed into the living room, stacks of craft supplies in every closet and enough different knitting projects sitting on my computer desk to make it hard to get to the computer.


  68. Strangely, I most love to create edible things. Not just cooking dinner, but craft out of food. What I have recently decided that I'd like to create daily are drawings. I have so many ideas in my head, but not the skills to transfer them to paper.

  69. i like to create new outfits with my clothes most of all! :) then drawing, painting, gluing, & writing things.

    tbear103 AT gmail DOT com

  70. I am just learning and this class would be fantastic! I love to learn new things and need inspiration, I'm
    glad I found your blog.

  71. I love to create with paper, and I love to make journals. In the new year, I want to experiment with paper clay. Thanks for the chance to win! xo

  72. I love creating things that are fun & cheery! I enjoy using paints, paper, and stamps the most! =)

  73. I am just finishing your sketchbook class and am loving this renewed sense of wanting to create--so currently my favorite way to create is doing these sketches!

  74. I love to create anything mixed media! Using bright colors, markings, stencils, etc.... until it all melts together in colorful harmony! Thanks for this great giveaway... really hope I win!

  75. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I would just love to be one of the lucky winners of this amazing giveaway! What I love making most of all is jewelry... hence my shop. I also LOVE mixed media anything but especially when I get to make a mess with paint. There is just something so appealing about getting paint all over my hands ;)

  76. I really want to start keeping a sketchbook journal. I'm fine with the writing part, but my art skills are...well...nothing to write home about. Ha ha.

  77. I love drawing faces, always have can't help it people fascinate me. Thank you for this giveaway, really!!! You are one of my artistic idols :)

  78. I love to paint, sketch, make jewelry, and sew! I don't have a favorite, because for me it's more about being creative than the actual medium.

  79. My favorite method of creation is to bake. Since I was a little girl I've always had this desire to bake yummy treats. Cakes, cookies, brownies, ice creams, you name it, I love to make it!

  80. As long as I'm creating I'm happy. It doesn't matter the medium.

  81. I love mixed media and also crocheting, knitting and cooking -- I get lots of inspiration from your blog -- will take class even if I don't win :0)

  82. Mannys27278:53 AM

    I'm a big doodler, I enjoy a little bit of everything

  83. I have many favorite things to create. I design jewelry, I quilt and sew as well as trying new techniques in my art journals

    Thank you for the chance to win a spot in the most fabulous class!

  84. I love to create anything with color. Love to paint and draw and doodle and do calligraphy. I would be so happy to win this. I am in need of a creative kick in the pants!

    lanie at laniejandco dot com

  85. I love to create jewelry, paper crafts and cooking!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class!

  86. I haven't found anything I don't like to create but right now I'm into quilting. Also I like to keep a journal of things I'd like to make and the supplies that I have. Thanks for the chance to win!

  87. ooooooo That's tough. I LOVE SOOOOOO many things! Things I do most often is Bake. I tend to bake when I'm stressed and it makes me feel soo much better. I absolutely love DIY projects that I can decorate the house with or that I can wear, like a pearled collar made oc felt and craft pearls.
    I also very much like photography. I wish I could do all these things everyday because they really make me happy. Im in a stressful time in my life so I think remembering what inspires me is really important, so thank you for this post!

  88. I love lucious textiles and threads but need to be more abstract so thanks for the chance of this class

  89. As I've just relocated to the US and living out of suitcases I'm not creating anything right now - this course would be the kickstart I need to get my creativity flowing again. Normally I love sewing and sketching.

  90. how exciting! I love to create anything in which I can use watercolors or liquid dyes/inks on- beads, paintings, big canvases- I love to drip and splatter and see what happens :)

  91. I'm a quilter, but there are days sitting at the sewing machine or handwork doesn't appeal to me. I've always want to draw. I'm inspired by those that do. I have the baggage of perfectioism to overcome, because for me to draw I need to practice. And, a daily gift of practicing would help not only my kills, but my psyche. That little first step to just start always seems like such an overwhelmingly big step - not sure why. (Thanks for your site, btw. It is always a calm, inspiring place to come and visit - and now with the added bonus of seeing your new little someone special~ Mine are 22 and 25, so it is nice to see your little one!)

  92. I like making cards & collages. Thanks for the grt giveaway.

  93. I keep trying new things, but always find that I return to yarn! Knitting, weaving, emroidery 0 I just like to make things with string!

  94. I think my favourite thing to do is photography. But I also love making journal pages - slopping paint around, adding some stencils and stamps: fun stuff! Thank you for doing this giveaway -the class sounds great!

  95. I would love to recycle any homemade trash to lovely creations.

  96. I love to draw and paint whatever is inspiring me at the moment. When I'm not doing that, I love knitting presents for my loved ones.

  97. How nice of you to do this. I have been making greeting cards for years now and have started doing more altered art.

  98. Keelin9:07 AM

    My favorite thing to make is anything I can wear. I love to knit and make jewelry. I also love to sketch patterns and doodle. Oh I love to create!

  99. I love DRAWING! I do portraits mostly.... pencil or colored pencil. Your work inspires me... and I'm ALWAYS looking for inspiration. I'd love to win the class!

  100. I love to create. Anything. Whether it's taking pictures, sewing, digital scrapbooking, painting,... I love the feeling you have once you're done !
    I would love to be on the class to get more inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win.

  101. Hi Alisa,
    Creat Daily is just what I need for myself right now.
    I can't imagine taking time for me with helping out with my grandchildren. I try to do art journaling when I can, but time is a big priority as you very well know.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and I know the New Year is going to be a very busy time for you with your career and the LOVES of your life.

  102. Rita Timmons9:18 AM

    I want to do more mixed media projects in my art journals and just play more in 2012!

  103. I like to sketch in my sketchbook and currently I'm into art quilting. I like to do many things though like knitting or just about anything handmade.

  104. oh wow, I would love to join! What I would like to create most? that's a difficult question, because I like a lot of diffrent things :) I like making illustrations using markers, fine liners and water colour, i like making ornaments with clay, or anything with fabric and felt. or paper! haha, you see...i can't choose :)

  105. jeannie lucky9:21 AM

    I fuse glass, I love to sew small things, and I love flowers....whether they are drawn, sewn, or made into jewelry.

  106. I love to create greeting cards, mixed media art journaling and a sketching. Thank you so much for your awesome giveaway !!

  107. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I love to create art journals/scrapbooks. I do a mix of both and whatever I feel at the moment.

  108. I love to create with glass, fiber, fabric, and recently got started on a mixed media frenzy. Being creative is my favorite, the moment decides the outlet.

  109. Thanks for this!
    This may sound little funny....I am homeschooling my three year old son and every three weeks we do a theme. I think and plan around that theme all the time so I like to create anything related to that theme. :) Just starting my journey of self teaching myself art. This class will be a great motivation.

  110. I love to create anything 3-D. I never ceases to amaze me what shapes can be made out of a flat piece of paper of fabric :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  111. Wow! Lots of free spaces. You are so kind! I love to make books and draw and paint but really just creating makes me so happy.

  112. I'm thrilled with the chance to win a spot in your class, Alisa. I think I'm happiest when I have a paintbrush in my hand and like painting on canvas, wood or fabric.

  113. Mariëlle9:28 AM

    It is very nice to be creative. Currently I am busy with creating a special little memory book with different media, collage, combined with machine stitching. I would love the opportunity to follow your new online class.

  114. I love creating gifts for my family and friends. I really like sewing and making jewelry. :)

  115. kaitlin9:35 AM

    I love to create anything, whether it be sewing, painting, mixed media, etc... but lately, my favorite has been burlap pillows!

  116. awesome giveaway :) i love to do anything with fabric, and I love to "scrapbook" or journal with pictures... and my all time favorite is painting

  117. I love to create brooches from my scraps of fabrics and beads and buttons and yarns and "solo" earrings and...

  118. I love to create art journal pages. I've been practicing with water colors, too. Found a super good deal on watercolors at kobey's the other day and am loving playing. :)

  119. I love to create brooches from my scraps of fabrics and beads and buttons and yarns and "solo" earrings and...

  120. Anything with paints I love the most. :). I do other things that are creative everyday, and I enjoy all, but getting my paints out fills me up.

  121. That 's a hard thing to choose. Lately I'm crocheting, but I love sewing, painting, drawing, photography ... a little bit of it all. Would love to have a chance in your class :)

  122. i like to sew and paint and make jewelry and knit and whatever else!

  123. Yes please!! I like to create joy... to look at, to eat, to wear, to play with.

  124. I love to create in my art journal and I LOVE taking your classes :)

  125. Hello Alisa!!! Would so love to win your online class!!! My realm tends to be textiles with anything I can get my hands on mixed into it, I like to change and mix different techniques. I also like photography although I'm not the best photographer out there... I also like knitting and crochet and try to integrate some into my textile creations...

    Happy Holidays to you and your new little bigger family!

  126. I love to create lots of different things...probably jewelry and working with recycled wool are my faves!

  127. What I enjoy the most is what I'm in the mood for; which is one reason I love art journaling so much. I can paint, doodle, stitch, or all of the above in one place.

  128. I love art journaling, but since your watercolour bliss class I am deeply in love with my watercolours and love to add that splash of colour to my doodles.

    *keeping fingers and toes crossed for a spot*

  129. I love to create. Asking to pick just one thing is way too hard!! :)

  130. I haven't created anything physical (as in not digital) in such a long time that I'm just looking forward to create anything, rekindle my creative habit. Thanks for the chance to do so.

  131. What a great giveaway! I’ve been really wanting to sign up for this class. I love creating everything from mixed media collages and paintings, working in my art journals and my newest venture – accessories! Thank you so much for your inspiration every day!

  132. Recently I have been hand embroidering. Found Urban Threads on line and *love* their patterns! That is my one constant for now. LOL. But sign me up! I would love to win!

  133. Well...I think I'd have to pick photography. I don't find it as relaxing as, say, painting, but the results are much more satisfying!

  134. I love sewing, making hats, and painting. I just started up screen printing too and love it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  135. i like creating, no matter what :-)

  136. What a sweet give away! I love to create and to learn about creating!! I love painting and drawing most right now! Happy Holidays!!

  137. I like to create anything that incorporates stitch, but it's the feeding the need to create that's most important not, what I do with it!

  138. I love to create the background for a painting!! :D

  139. Yummy giveaway! I go through phases - at the moment it is altered books, but I also love mixed media, art journalling and sewing.

    Yvonne Hellyar (South Africa)

  140. Oh, I would LOVE to win a spot in this class! Right now I'm doing a lot of painting and sewing but I'm trying to learn how to draw.

  141. I am mainly a sewer, knitter, and crocheter. But I also love to paint, quill, scrapbook, and embroider! But really I've yet to have found an art/craft that I don't enjoy to do.

  142. i create with words at my day job, so when i have time for me, i create with paint, paper, inks and stamps. looks like an amazing class

  143. I am a textile artist making costumes but I would love to be able to draw so drawing is something i need to be taught nad would hope a free class would teach me please

  144. I love to create paintings on canvas - AND a closer runner up is creating art journal or sketchbook pages!

  145. Wonderful opportunity!
    I like drawing, sewing and pamper your family.

  146. I love any handcrafted art and it's so fun to see everyone's creations. Hope I win a spot!

  147. My husband calls me his Renaissance woman. ;) What a sweet guy!

    I love to crochet, sew a little, scrapbook, draw, paint, work on photography, cook and learn to knit.

    What a wonderful idea for a class! Thank you for the opportunity and your generosity to your blog community!

  148. I love to pick up things from the ocean and create. Shells, sea creatures, drift wood anything like that. Nature is my canvass.
    debbi g

  149. What a generous offer. I love making anything with wool, fabric flowers and mixed media on canvas.

  150. I've always has a passion for sall things. I know I have just a little time and basically no room to create it is even more conevient I LOVE watercolours. I mainly paimn from nature, trees, landscape, flowers in a rather small format since the summer I've painted about fifty 4 x 4 inches watercolours. AND I'd love to be able to create daily!!!

  151. Right now I love creating sketches of trees. I think I've found my muse in nature.

    Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome gift!

  152. A day without creating, is like a day without sunshine!
    I love to create zendoodles, collages, stamps, and cards.I'm always looking for new ideas.
    Merry Christmas to your lovely family,

  153. Wow, great giveaway..... What do I love creating?....mostly a mess! Seriously I love creating anything.

  154. My days r spent making felted bags and books. To me it is fun. I hope it never stops bekng fun....

  155. this is a great giveaway - I love to create with fabric- embroidery - beads - clay - knitting....... Happy Holidays

  156. Beauty in my life...

  157. CarrieCanCreate10:12 AM

    Lately I've been trying to stretch my creative legs in different ways...embroidery, doodling, and working with fabrics and recycled materials....this couldn't come at a more perfect time.

    You have been an inspiration to me to try new things creatively...thank you, alisa!

  158. This is so awesome! My very favorite thing to create, especially around this time of year, is creative gift wrapping. I have so much fun coming up with different ways to decorate presents. My year-round favorite things to create are paintings--usually small ones, painted with gouache. Thanks for this generous giveaway! I would be so happy to be one of the lucky winners!

  159. I love to make mixed media paintings, there is nothing like a canvas to start the creative process.. I love opening a new tube of paint and letting it all come together. Thank you for the opportunity.

  160. So exciting, Alisa! I love to create with fabric and stitching.

  161. I love to paint! :) The bright, raw colours are what draw me into that medium. Mostly watercolour - but some acrylic, and then some oil...and some mixed media..and some collage. I just love to dabble :) *blushes*

  162. I love your work. Everything you do is full of passion.
    I like to do bags and jewlery.
    Thanks for this opportunity!!

  163. I like to create everything , sketches, paintings, little drawing books. But you inspire me to be better, and would love to win a spot in your class.

  164. I have really enjoyed your classes and your blog is great inspiration. My favorite thing to create are oil paintings and watercolor paintings.

  165. i can't possibly narrow it down...i love it all!!! thank you for a generous of you! xo

  166. I'm a weaver and find your blog so inspiring for my chosen craft.

  167. i do love to watercolour...i love doing fsces and flowers...when i drift off in other directions i find myself longing to get back to the watercolour paper and paints.... thanks for this chance to win a spot...

  168. Wow, 10 spots! You are so generous. I love to create paintings and books, but I enjoy ink drawing most. This class looks like a lot of fun, and would go along really well with a New Year's Resolution to create more.

  169. Love love love to create. My current favorites include art journaling, quilting, painting, and cards. Thanks for a chance to create daily with you!

  170. I've created all my life but at times did not realize it. Sewing, knitting, crafts earlier. Now journaling and watercolors.

  171. I love to create with my hands so that includes just about everything. knitting, sewing, mixed media, embroidery, woodwork, pottery...just to name a few. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  172. I love to create with eveything I have around me... it's hard to decide but if I have to, then I pick paper as material, better if I can decorate it before use it for make all kind of things with it!
    And I would love to win the opportunity to learn more from you!

  173. You are so generous, thank you! A very Merry Christmas to all your blog followers out there. I love to create just about anything, but most of all love constructing my own journals and filling them with unique collages from chopped up magazine photos. Creating something entirely different from the original images. Love everything you do Alisa.

  174. I love crochet most of all, but also enjoy painting, scrapbooking and messing about with paper and glue.

  175. I love to create purses, wallets, and dog collars for friends and family. But drawings and paintings are my loves too.

  176. I love to work in my art journal and make mail art. I carved some stamps this morning and want to do more printmaking. Thanks for the chance - I love your stuff!!!

  177. OMG...i don't think i have a shot...but I'll try anyway ;)

    I love to create many different things...anything that comes from your hands is the best :)

  178. I love to create all kind of mixed media things and just love the way your courses are made.

    groetjes, Lutgard in Belgium

  179. I love mixed media & acrylics, but thanks to sketchbook delight I have lately been trying to make friends with watercolor.

  180. I love mixed media & acrylics, but thanks to sketchbook delight I have lately been trying to make friends with watercolor.

  181. I love to paint, but really need to make more of an effort to do so daily. The class sounds like such great motivation & encouragement!

  182. I'm just getting into mixed media collages and love it, but my favorite way to create is with my camera. So I'm starting to use some of my photos in my collages.

  183. love love love your blog, so inspiring, you got my creative mojo going , thank you hugs xxx

  184. I love watercoloring little pictures for the people that I care about! It's a sweet way that I can use to show them how much they mean to me :)

  185. love love love your blog!!!!! you got my creative mojo going and that equals happiness :) hugs

  186. I have lots of interests. Fiber being my favorite. Freeform style as I like to do something a little different from the rest of the pack. It is very generous of you to give away spots in your class. I love to learn new things and I would love to win a class with you.

  187. My new creative hobby is working with my six year old twin girls and using their artwork to create beautiful hand painted fabric accessories such as bags, pencil cases and Christmas stockings. It's a very special Christmas for a few chosen friends this year.

  188. Oh that's awesome you're giving away some spots. I LOVE to create sewn projects. I really do sew almost every day. :)

  189. I LOVE your work! I have taken both watercolor bliss and sketchbook delight! Can't WAIT for Create Daily and Sketchbook Delight Part 2!!! Thanks for sharing your gift with us :)

  190. I love to create anything with my granddaughter. It is not a good day in her opinion unless we do something "creative" together. Favourites include beading, playdough, and colouring. She is 5 and she helps me to get over my "perfectionist" side.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely giveaway.
    congrats on your new babe!

  191. Definitely books!! Any type of handmade book or journal! Love them in all variations!!!

  192. Oh how I would love to win this!
    I love to create with cross stitch, beads, papers, water colours and stamps mainly but I really love creating with my students too, who learn English in an early age with the help of art and they really enjoy it. AriadnefromGreece!

  193. I am a creator of anything beady, yarny, or fabricy. I don't seem to be able to control which one I do. I get the craving and then....poof...project happens!!!

  194. I create what I call "Visual Prayers" :) Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in class!

  195. Things with fabric and yarn appeal to me the most, but I have been considering drawing and painting as well

  196. It would be amazing for me to follow a class like that - I really need somebody to push me, to do it every day.
    I love to do anything that has to do with paper, folding, card making, drawing... It would be the best to do it following you.

  197. Thanks for this opportunity. I'm mainly creating meals and clean laundry right now, but I'd like to get back in the groove. I'm hopeful your class would give me the structure I need.

  198. For me, the best id doodling and lettrine, both on a same support ! May be I will take a class NeXT year
